On 2 November 2013 00:07, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1 November 2013 23:36, Thomas Neidhart <thomas.neidh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I can remember that a while ago there was the suggestion to include the
>> latest release version + release date for each commons component on the
>> main page.
>> The idea was really appealing to me, and I did an update of the
>> commons-site to include this information.
>> The result can be seen here:
>> http://people.apache.org/~tn/commons/site/
> Looks useful.
>> The updated project can be found here:
>> https://github.com/netomi/commons-site
>> What did I do?
>>  - create a script conf/parse-latest-release.py that parses the doap
>>    file for each component at
>> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/proper/
> The DOAP files aren't always accurate; might be worth considering also
> using the files under
> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/commons/

Also, it looks like the script assumes that the entries are in reverse
data order.
That is not necessarily the case (e.g. Betwixt, BSF, Codec, Configuration etc.).

And some components have multiple concurrent releases (BSF, JEXL)
though that is probably not important here.

>>  - the script generates a properties file containing the parsed information
>>  - use the properties-maven-plugin to load the properties during the
>> maven build
>>  - move the index.xml to index.xml.vm to enable velocity filtering
>>    and include for each component the respective properties
>> The solution is quite simple, and the properties file can be manually
>> edited if necessary.
>> So WDYT?
>> btw. transaction is still listed as proper component, although already
>> moved to dormant in svn.
>> Thomas
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