On 1 November 2013 23:36, Thomas Neidhart <thomas.neidh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I can remember that a while ago there was the suggestion to include the
> latest release version + release date for each commons component on the
> main page.
> The idea was really appealing to me, and I did an update of the
> commons-site to include this information.
> The result can be seen here:
> http://people.apache.org/~tn/commons/site/

Looks useful.

> The updated project can be found here:
> https://github.com/netomi/commons-site
> What did I do?
>  - create a script conf/parse-latest-release.py that parses the doap
>    file for each component at
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/proper/

The DOAP files aren't always accurate; might be worth considering also
using the files under


>  - the script generates a properties file containing the parsed information
>  - use the properties-maven-plugin to load the properties during the
> maven build
>  - move the index.xml to index.xml.vm to enable velocity filtering
>    and include for each component the respective properties
> The solution is quite simple, and the properties file can be manually
> edited if necessary.
> So WDYT?
> btw. transaction is still listed as proper component, although already
> moved to dormant in svn.
> Thomas
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