On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org> wrote:

> Le 24/10/2013 15:17, Gary Gregory a écrit :
> > Committed revision 1535372.
> Isn't the trademark on "Apache Commons Configuration" and not just
> "Commons Configuration" ?


> If we don't use "Apache" of the feather in the
> logo I'm not sure it qualifies for a "TM" symbol.

The approach we have been taking with all Commons logos is to add a "TM" to
each "Commons Foo" logos. I do not think any of our logos say "Apache
Commons Foo", they could of course. In the future, it would be best to use
"Apache Commons Foo" IMO.

>From the page (my bold):

"Logos are important to recognize as trademarks as well. For the project's
official logo (if it has one, and especially if it uses the ASF
feather), *ensure
that it includes a small "TM" symbol* in the graphic or immediately
adjacent to it. For pages that include the project logo on them, ensure you
mention "... and the Project logo are trademarks..." in the attribution.

*Projects may may choose to use the Apache feather in their logo if they
wish*, but if they do so they should contact trademarks@ to determine the
best format of the feather to use. In the near future we plan to have much
simpler versions of the feather to incorporate if desired, including
various sizes and colors."


> Emmanuel Bourg
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