On 8 Oct 2013, at 20:07, Benedikt Ritter wrote:

Hey Gary,

you are involved in other projects (like log4j2) how do they do it? Is it easier to release log4j2 than it is to release for example [lang]?

Check this guide:

In fact we have an ASF maven pom:
This is extended by tons of plugins and other things and called "commons parent pom". The commons parent pom does a lot of things, and all components are more or less required to run the same way.

The question is, why should a component not be independent from commons-parent-pom and decide on it's on? With having the ASF-parent only releasing could be:

mvn release:prepare release:perform

Then everything should be on Nexus.

I know this is a controverse question. But as people can download the artifacts directly from nexus if they wish - including source, LICENSE, NOTICE and all that… why are we bothering to put on any other place? One could see at as: we release source code, as we create a tag. For convenience we put it on Nexus. Nothing else.

For site: I think components should be free to chose on their own. I was thinking different in the past. But now I believe we should just have a front page listing our components like we have here:
…and that site should link to the appropriate sub component site. How it looks or works or how it is build should be decided by the component maintainers independently.



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Am 08.10.2013 um 19:52 schrieb Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com>:

IMO the problems are dealing with Nexus, a web site, and a 'dist'
directory; that THREE things to get just right, none are 100% automated.
With Nexus you have to do some manual steps. If you look at all the
instructions for any commons component, it is long, a combo of manual and
Maven+Nexus magic and error prone. It is not fun and a barrier.


On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Benedikt Ritter <brit...@apache.org> wrote:


one of the points that seem to always come up once in a while is the
process of releasing components. I've never done it myself so I'm asking
people who have done it:

What are the problems and how can we make releasing easier?
Is the complexity of the parent pom a problem? (Do we really need all the
stuff that is declared there?)
Is there a way to automate all the stuff that needs to be done in a
portable way?
Would it be possible to automate release for example on a Jenkins instance?



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