Le 28/08/2013 19:59, Ajo Fod a écrit :
> Its a=0 that bothers me. x > 0 in my case.

Then everything should be OK with the current code, which reads:

        final double[] function = new double[1 + order];
        if (a == 0) {
            if (operand[operandOffset] == 0) {
                function[0] = 1;
                double infinity = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                for (int i = 1; i < function.length; ++i) {
                    infinity = -infinity;
                    function[i] = infinity;
            } else if (operand[operandOffset] < 0) {
                Arrays.fill(function, Double.NaN);
        } else {
            function[0] = FastMath.pow(a, operand[operandOffset]);
            final double lnA = FastMath.log(a);
            for (int i = 1; i < function.length; ++i) {
                function[i] = lnA * function[i - 1];

So when a == 0 and operand[operandOffset] > 0, you don't enter in any of
the branches above (you enter the top level if, but don't enter any of
the second level if/else if). This means that you skip directly from the
allocation of the array function to its use, and hence you have the
default values of a newly allocated array, which is guaranteed to be 0.

Does this fits your needs?


> In the code  I use, the DerivativeStructure evaluates to NaN for a=0 when x
>> 0 . I think we agree that in this condition the derivative should
> evaluate to 0.
> Perhaps I wrote something to mislead you on this detail.
> -Ajo
> On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 10:36 AM, Luc Maisonobe <luc.maison...@free.fr>wrote:
>> Hi Ajo,
>> Le 28/08/2013 16:56, Ajo Fod a écrit :
>>> To define things precisely:
>>> y = f(a,x) = |a|^x
>>> Can we agree that:
>>> df(a,x)/dx -> 0 when a->0 and x > 0 :[ NOTE: x > 0]
>> Yes, of course, it is perfectly true.
>>> If this is acceptable, we get this very useful property that df (a,x)/dx
>> is
>>> defined and continuous for all a provided x>0 because we use the modulus
>> of
>>> a in the function definition.
>> Yes, as long as we don't have x = 0, we remain in a smooth, indefinitely
>> differentiable domain.
>>> In optimization, with this patch at |a|=0, I
>>> can set an optimizer to search the whole real line without worrying about
>>> a=0 otherwise I've to look out for a=0 explicitly. It seems unnecessary
>> to
>>> add a constraint to make |a|>0. I already have a constraint for x >0.
>> I don't understand what you mean here. If you already know that x > 0,
>> then you don't have to worry about a=0 or a>0 since in this case both
>> approaches lead to the same result.
>> If you look at the graph for df(a,x)/dx for a few values of a, you will
>> see that we have:
>>   lim a->0+ df(a,x)/dx = 0         for x > 0
>>   lim a->0+ df(a,x)/dx = -infinity for x = 0
>> and this despite df(a,x)/dx = ln(a) a^x is a continuous function,
>> indefinitely differentiable. The limit of a continuous indefinitely
>> differentiable function may be a non continuous function. It is a
>> counter-intuitive result, I agree, but thre are many other examples of
>> such strange behaviour in mathematics (if I remember well, Fourier
>> transforms of step function exhibit the same paroble, backward).
>> If you have x>0, you are already on the safe side of the singularity, so
>> this is were I lose your tracks and don't understand how the singular
>> point x=0 bothers you.
>> best regards,
>> Luc
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ajo.
>>> On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 1:49 PM, Luc Maisonobe <luc.maison...@free.fr
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Ajo,
>>>> Le 27/08/2013 16:44, Ajo Fod a écrit :
>>>>> Thanks for the constant structure.
>>>>> No. The limit value when x->0+ is 1, not O.
>>>>> I agree with this. I was just going for the derivatives = 0.
>>>>>> The nth derivative of a^x can be computed analytically as ln(a)^n a^x,
>>>>>> so the initial slope at x=0 is simply ln(a), positive for a > 1, zero
>>>>>> for a = 1, negative for 0 < a < 1 with a limit at -inifnity when a ->
>>>> 0+.
>>>>> Lets think about this for a sec:
>>>>> Derivative of |a|^x wrt x at x=2.0 for various values of a
>>>>> Derivative@0.031250=-0.003384
>>>>> Derivative@0.015625=-0.001015
>>>>> Derivative@0.007813=-0.000296
>>>>> Derivative@0.003906=-0.000085
>>>>> Derivative@0.001953=-0.000024
>>>>> ... tends to 0
>>>> yes, because 2.0 > 0.
>>>>> Derivative of |a|^x wrt x at x=0.5 for various values of a
>>>>> Derivative@0.031250=-0.612555
>>>>> Derivative@0.007813=-0.428759
>>>>> Derivative@0.001953=-0.275612
>>>>> Derivative@0.000488=-0.168418
>>>>> Derivative@0.000122=-0.099513
>>>>> Derivative@0.000031=-0.057407
>>>>> Derivative@0.000008=-0.032528
>>>>> Derivative@0.000002=-0.018176
>>>>> ... tends to 0 when a->0
>>>> yes because 0.5 > 0.
>>>>> The code I used for the print outs is:
>>>>>     static final double EPS = 0.0001d;
>>>>>     public static void main(final String[] args) {
>>>>>         final double x = 0.5d;
>>>>>         int from = 5;
>>>>>         int to = 20;
>>>>>         System.out.println("Derivative of |a|^x wrt x at x=" + x);
>>>>>         for (int p = from; p < to; p+=2) {
>>>>>             double a = Math.pow(2d, -p);
>>>>>             final double calc = (Math.pow(a, x + EPS) - Math.pow(a,
>> x)) /
>>>>> EPS;
>>>>>             System.out.format("Derivative@%f=%f \n", a, calc);
>>>>>         }
>>>>>     }
>>>>> As for the x=0 case:
>>>>> 1^0 = 1
>>>>> 0.5^0 = 1
>>>>> 0.0001^0 = 1
>>>>> 0^0 is technically undefined, but  1 is a good definition:
>>>>> http://www.math.hmc.edu/funfacts/ffiles/10005.3-5.shtml
>>>> Yes.
>>>>> ... so, a good value for the differential of da^x/dx  limit x->0 and
>>>> a->0 =
>>>>> 0
>>>> I don't agree. What you wrote in the lines above is another way to say
>>>> what I wrote in my previous message: the value at x=0 is always y=1, and
>>>> the value for x > 0 tends to 0 as a->0+.
>>>> So the function always starts at 1 and dives more and more steeply as a
>>>> becomes smaller, and the derivative at 0 becomes more and more negative,
>>>> up to -infinity, *not* 0.
>>>> The function is ill-behaved and the fact the derivative is infinite is
>>>> consistent with this ill-behaviour.
>>>> The definition of the derivative is :
>>>>  f'(x) = lim (f(x+h) - f(x))/h when h -> 0+
>>>> when f(x) = 0^x and assuming 0^0 = 1 as you have agreed above, this
>> gives:
>>>>  f'(0) = lim (0^(0+h) - 0^0)/h = lim (0 - 1)/h = -infinity
>>>> which is exactly the same result as computing for a non-null a and then
>>>> reducing it: d(a^x)/dx = ln(a) a^x = ln(a) when x=0, diverges to
>>>> -infinity when a converges to 0.
>>>>> As mentioned earlier, I think the cause for this is that log|a| ->
>>>> infinity
>>>>> slower than |a|^x -> 0 as |a|->0 .
>>>> But a^x does *not* converge to 0 for x = 0! a^0 is always 1 (rigorously)
>>>> regardless of the value of a as long as it is not 0, and then when we
>>>> change a we can also consider the limit is 1 when a-> 0. This convention
>>>> is well accepted. This convention is implemented in the Java standard
>>>> Math.pow function, and we followed this trend. This is the reason why
>>>> the functions becomes more and more steep as a becomes smaller. At the
>>>> end, it is a discontinuous function (and hence should not be
>>>> differentiable, or it is differentiable only if we use extended real
>>>> numbers with infinity added).
>>>> This is the heart of the ill-behaviour of 0^0. We want to compute it as
>>>> a limit value for a^b when both parameters converge to 0, but we get a
>>>> different result if we first set a fixed and converge b to 0, and later
>>>> reduce a down to zero (your approach), and when we do the opposite. In
>>>> one case we get 0, in the other case we get 1.
>>>> Lets put it another way:
>>>> If we consider the derivative f'(0) should be 0, then the value f(0)
>>>> should also be considered equal to zero. This would mean as soon as we
>>>> get a tiny non-zero a (say the smallest number that can be represented
>>>> as a double), then f(0) would jump from 0 to 1 instantly, and f'(0)
>>>> would jump from 0 to -infinity instantly. So we would have at a = 0 an
>>>> initial null derivative, then a jump to a very negative derivative as a
>>>> leaves 0, then the derivative would become less and less negative as a
>>>> increase up to 1, at a=1 the derivative would again be 0, then the
>>>> derivative would continue to increase and becode positive as a grows
>>>> larger than 1 (all these derivatives are computed at x=0, and as written
>>>> previously, they are simply equal to log(a)).
>>>> To summarize, the two choices are:
>>>>  1) - first considering a fixed a, strictly positive,
>>>>     - then looking globally at the function a^x for all values x>=0,
>>>>     - then reducing a, noting that all functions start at the same
>>>>       point x=0, y=1 and the derivatives become more and more negative
>>>>       as the function becomes more and more ill-behaved
>>>>  2) - first considering a fixed x, strictly positive,
>>>>     - then reducing a and identifying the limit values is 0 for all a,
>>>>     - then building a function by packing all the x>0, which is very
>>>>       smooth as it is identically 0 for all x>0
>>>>     - finally adding the limit value at x=0, which in this case would
>>>>       be 0 (and the derivative would also be 0).
>>>> it seems well accepted to consider the value of 0^0 should be set to 1,
>>>> and as a consequence the corresponding derivative with respect to x
>>>> should be set to -infinity.
>>>> I fully agree it is not a perfect solution, it is an arbitrary choice.
>>>> However, this choice is consistent with what all implementations of the
>>>> pow function I have seen (i.e. 0^0 set to 1 instead of 0).
>>>> Your approach is not wrong, it is as valid as the other one. It is
>>>> simply not the common choice.
>>>> I would say an even better choice would have been to say 0^0 *is not*
>>>> defined and even the value should be set to NaN (not even speaking of
>>>> the derivative).
>>>> Does this seem acceptable to you?
>>>> best regards,
>>>> Luc
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ajo.
>>>>>> The limit curve corresponding to a = 0 is therefore a singular
>> function
>>>>>> with f(0) = 1 and f(x) = 0 for all x > 0. The fact f(0) = 1 and not 0
>> is
>>>>>> consistent with the derivative being negative infinity, as by
>> definition
>>>>>> the derivative is the limit of [f(0+h) - f(0)] / h when h->0+, as the
>>>>>> finite difference is -1/h.
>>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>>>             }else{
>>>>>>>                 for (int i = 0; i < function.length; ++i) {
>>>>>>>                     function[i] = Double.NaN;
>>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>> This alternative case is a good improvement, thanks for it. I forgot
>> to
>>>>>> handle negative cases properly. I have therefore changed the code
>>>>>> (committed as r1517788) with this improvement, together with several
>>>>>> test cases.
>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>         } else {
>>>>>>> in place of :
>>>>>>>         if (a == 0) {
>>>>>>>             if (operand[operandOffset] == 0) {
>>>>>>>                 function[0] = 1;
>>>>>>>                 double infinity = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
>>>>>>>                 for (int i = 1; i < function.length; ++i) {
>>>>>>>                     infinity = -infinity;
>>>>>>>                     function[i] = infinity;
>>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>         } else {
>>>>>>> PS: I think you made a change to DSCompiler.pow too. If so, what
>>>> happens
>>>>>>> when a=0 & x!=0  in that function?
>>>>>> No, I didn't change the other signatures of the pow function. So the
>>>>>> value should be OK (i.e. 1) but all derivatives, including the first
>>>>>> one, should be NaN. What the new function brings is a correct negetive
>>>>>> infinity first derivative at singularity point, better accuracy for
>>>>>> non-singular points, and possibly faster computation.
>>>>>> best regards,
>>>>>> Luc
>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 12:38 AM, Luc Maisonobe <l...@spaceroots.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ajo Fod <ajo....@gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>>>>>>> Are you saying patched the code? Can you provide the link?
>>>>>>>> I committed it in the development version. You just have to update
>>>> your
>>>>>>>> checked out copy from either the official
>>>>>>>>  Apache subversion repository or the git mirror we talked about in a
>>>>>>>> previous thread.
>>>>>>>> The new method is a static one called pow and taking a and x as
>>>>>> arguments
>>>>>>>> and returning a^x. Not to
>>>>>>>> Be confused with the non-static methods that take only the power as
>>>>>>>> argument (either int, double or
>>>>>>>> DerivativeStructure) and use the instance as the base to apply power
>>>> on.
>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>> Luc
>>>>>>>>> -Ajo
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 1:20 PM, Luc Maisonobe <l...@spaceroots.org
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Le 24/08/2013 11:24, Luc Maisonobe a écrit :
>>>>>>>>>>> Le 23/08/2013 19:20, Ajo Fod a écrit :
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ajo,
>>>>>>>>>>>> This shows one way of interpreting the derivative for strictly
>> +ve
>>>>>>>>>> numbers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>     public static void main(final String[] args) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>         final double x = 1d;
>>>>>>>>>>>>         DerivativeStructure dsA = new DerivativeStructure(1, 1,
>> 0,
>>>>>>>>> x);
>>>>>>>>>>>>         System.out.println("Derivative of |a|^x wrt x");
>>>>>>>>>>>>         for (int p = 10; p < 21; p++) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>             double a;
>>>>>>>>>>>>             if (p < 20) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>                 a = 1d / Math.pow(2d, p);
>>>>>>>>>>>>             } else {
>>>>>>>>>>>>                 a = 0d;
>>>>>>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>>>>>>             final DerivativeStructure a_ds = new
>>>>>>>>> DerivativeStructure(1,
>>>>>>>>>> 1,
>>>>>>>>>>>> a);
>>>>>>>>>>>>             final DerivativeStructure out = a_ds.pow(dsA);
>>>>>>>>>>>>             final double calc = (Math.pow(a, x + EPS) -
>>>>>>>>> Math.pow(a, x))
>>>>>>>>>> /
>>>>>>>>>>>> EPS;
>>>>>>>>>>>>             System.out.format("Derivative@%f=%f  %f\n", a,
>> calc,
>>>>>>>>>>>> out.getPartialDerivative(new int[]{1}));
>>>>>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>>>>> At this point I"m explicitly substituting the rule that
>>>>>>>>>> derivative(|a|^x) =
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0 for |a|=0.
>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, but this fails for x = 0, as the limit of the finite
>>>>>>>>> difference is
>>>>>>>>>>> -infinity and not 0.
>>>>>>>>>>> You can build your own function which explicitly assumes a is
>>>>>>>>> constant
>>>>>>>>>>> and takes care of special values as follows:
>>>>>>>>>>>  public static DerivativeStructure aToX(final double a,
>>>>>>>>>>>                                         final DerivativeStructure
>>>>>>>>> x) {
>>>>>>>>>>>      final double lnA = (a == 0 && x.getValue() == 0) ?
>>>>>>>>>>>                   Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY :
>>>>>>>>>>>                   FastMath.log(a);
>>>>>>>>>>>      final double[] function = new double[1 + x.getOrder()];
>>>>>>>>>>>      function[0] = FastMath.pow(a, x.getValue());
>>>>>>>>>>>      for (int i = 1; i < function.length; ++i) {
>>>>>>>>>>>          function[i] = lnA * function[i - 1];
>>>>>>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>>>>>>      return x.compose(function);
>>>>>>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>>>>>> This will work and provides derivatives to any order for almost
>> any
>>>>>>>>>>> values of a and x, including a=0, x=1 as in your exemple, but
>> also
>>>>>>>>>>> slightly better for a=0, x=0. However, it still has an important
>>>>>>>>>>> drawback: it won't compute the n-th order derivative correctly
>> for
>>>>>>>>> a=0,
>>>>>>>>>>> x=0 and n > 1. It will provide NaN for these higher order
>>>>>>>>> derivatives
>>>>>>>>>>> instead of +/-infinity according to parity of n.
>>>>>>>>>> I have added a similar function to the DerivativeStructure class
>>>>>>>>> (with
>>>>>>>>>> some errors above corrected). The main interesting property of
>> this
>>>>>>>>>> function is that it is more accurate that converting a to a
>>>>>>>>>> DerivativeStructure and using the general x^y function. It does
>> its
>>>>>>>>> best
>>>>>>>>>> to handle the special case, but as written above, this does NOT
>> work
>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>> general combination (i.e. more than one variable or more than one
>>>>>>>>>> order). As soon as there is a combination, the derivative will
>>>>>>>>> involve
>>>>>>>>>> something like df/dx * dg/dy and as infinities and zeros are
>>>>>>>>> everywheren
>>>>>>>>>> NaN appears immediately for these partial derivatives. This cannot
>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>> avoided.
>>>>>>>>>> If you stay away from the singularity, the function behaves
>>>>>>>>> correctly.
>>>>>>>>>> best regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Luc
>>>>>>>>>>> This is a known problem that we already encountered when dealing
>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>> rootN. Here is an extract of a comment in the test case
>>>>>>>>>>> testRootNSingularity, where similar NaN appears instead of +/-
>>>>>>>>> infinity.
>>>>>>>>>>> The dsZero instance in the comment is simple the x parameter of
>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> function, as a derivativeStructure with value 0.0 and depending
>> on
>>>>>>>>>>> itself (dsZero = new DerivativeStructure(1, maxOrder, 0, 0.0)):
>>>>>>>>>>> // the following checks shows a LIMITATION of the current
>>>>>>>>> implementation
>>>>>>>>>>> // we have no way to tell dsZero is a pure linear variable x = 0
>>>>>>>>>>> // we only say: "dsZero is a structure with value = 0.0,
>>>>>>>>>>> // first derivative = 1.0, second and higher derivatives = 0.0".
>>>>>>>>>>> // Function composition rule for second derivatives is:
>>>>>>>>>>> // d2[f(g(x))]/dx2 = f''(g(x)) * [g'(x)]^2 + f'(g(x)) * g''(x)
>>>>>>>>>>> // when function f is the nth root and x = 0 we have:
>>>>>>>>>>> // f(0) = 0, f'(0) = +infinity, f''(0) = -infinity (and higher
>>>>>>>>>>> // derivatives keep switching between +infinity and -infinity)
>>>>>>>>>>> // so given that in our case dsZero represents g, we have g(x) =
>> 0,
>>>>>>>>>>> // g'(x) = 1 and g''(x) = 0
>>>>>>>>>>> // applying the composition rules gives:
>>>>>>>>>>> // d2[f(g(x))]/dx2 = f''(g(x)) * [g'(x)]^2 + f'(g(x)) * g''(x)
>>>>>>>>>>> //                 = -infinity * 1^2 + +infinity * 0
>>>>>>>>>>> //                 = -infinity + NaN
>>>>>>>>>>> //                 = NaN
>>>>>>>>>>> // if we knew dsZero is really the x variable and not the
>> identity
>>>>>>>>>>> // function applied to x, we would not have computed f'(g(x)) *
>>>>>>>>> g''(x)
>>>>>>>>>>> // and we would have found that the result was -infinity and not
>>>>>>>>> NaN
>>>>>>>>>>> Hope this helps
>>>>>>>>>>> Luc
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ajo.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 9:39 AM, Luc Maisonobe
>>>>>>>>> <luc.maison...@free.fr
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ajo,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Le 23/08/2013 17:48, Ajo Fod a écrit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Try this and I'm happy to explain if necessary:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public class Derivative {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     public static void main(final String[] args) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         DerivativeStructure dsA = new DerivativeStructure(1,
>> 1,
>>>>>>>>> 0,
>>>>>>>>>> 1d);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         System.out.println("Derivative of constant^x wrt x");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         for (int a = -3; a < 3; a++) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>> We have chosen the classical definition which implies c^x is
>> not
>>>>>>>>>> defined
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for real r and negative c.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our implementation is based on the decomposition c^r = exp(r *
>>>>>>>>> ln(c)),
>>>>>>>>>>>>> so the NaN comes from the logarithm when c <= 0.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Noe also that as explained in the documentation here:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <
>> http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/userguide/analysis.html#a4.7_Differentiation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> there are no concepts of "constants" and "variables" in this
>>>>>>>>> framework,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> so we cannot draw a line between c^r as seen as a univariate
>>>>>>>>> function
>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> r, or as a univariate function of c, or as a bivariate function
>>>>>>>>> of c
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> r, or even as a pentavariate function of p1, p2, p3, p4, p5
>> with
>>>>>>>>> both c
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and r being computed elsewhere from p1...p5. So we don't make
>>>>>>>>> special
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cases for the case c = 0 for example.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does this explanation make sense to you?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Luc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             final DerivativeStructure a_ds = new
>>>>>>>>>> DerivativeStructure(1,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             final DerivativeStructure out = a_ds.pow(dsA);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             System.out.format("Derivative@%d=%f\n", a,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out.getPartialDerivative(new int[]{1}));
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 7:59 AM, Gilles
>>>>>>>>> <gil...@harfang.homelinux.org
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 23 Aug 2013 07:17:35 -0700, Ajo Fod wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seems like the DerivativeCompiler returns NaN.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMHO it should return 0.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What should be 0?  And Why?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is this worthy of an issue?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As is, no.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gilles
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Ajo
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