On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Phil Steitz <phil.ste...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > It still seems to me that it would serve CM well to pay more attention to
> > Ajo's comments and suggestions.  Simply saying that we should focus on
> > technical discussion when CM's list is filled with esthetic arguments
> > really just sounds like a way of pushing people away.
> Please read the threads.  This is not "esthetics."  Maybe you can
> help.

I read the threads.  I stand by my assertions that there are *lots* of
non-technical discussions on CM.

Rejecting this particular argument since it is procedural+technical rather
than just technical seems less supportable than continuing those other

Help?  The way that I help with the esthetic threads is by staying out of
the way.  Contributing to the noise level is not helpful and the endurance
and spare time of the typical CM poster is apparently boundless.

With this thread, the input I have is that Ajo's comments make a lot of
sense (to me) and the "technical" arguments against including AQ as an
option do not make a lot of sense (to me).

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