On 3/27/13 12:03 AM, Thomas Neidhart wrote:
> On 03/26/2013 11:03 PM, Phil Steitz wrote:
>> On 3/25/13 8:52 AM, Luc Maisonobe wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Le 23/03/2013 16:30, Thomas Neidhart a écrit :
>>>> On 03/04/2013 01:57 PM, Gilles wrote:
>>>>> Hello.
>>>>>> I would like to release version 3.2 of [math] soon.
>>>>>> Any thoughts about it?
>>>>> How soon?
>>>>> There are many unresolved issues targetting 3.2.
>>>>> There is at least one bug with no fix target (MATH-936).
>>>>> There is at least one contribution requiring some feedback (MATH-917).
>>>> I have added a first patch and would love to get some feedback.
>>> It seems we are really close to releasing now. I guess MATH-817 will be
>>> resolved soon. What seems to be achievable in a short time frame would be:
>>>   - wrapping up MATH-917 as Thomas proposed,
>>>   - finishing MATH-437 (Kolmogorov-Smirnov), and perhaps also
>>>     MATH-228 at the same time
>> See comment just added to MATH-437.  I am working on it, but not
>> ready to commit to API, so say bump this to 3.3/4.0.
>> One thing I did not mention in the MATH-437 comment.  While I think
>> we should not do it in the K-S case, because the dist itself has
>> little value and much numeric instability, the approximation tricks
>> in your patch are interesting and might merit inclusion in
>> AbstractRealDistribution (which actually is where the impls belong).
> Hi Phil,
> can you maybe also take a look at MATH-981? I have already provided a
> patch, but would like to hear your opinion on this as it is more a
> work-around for the moment.

Hmmm.  Can't find 981 and no permutation looks that interesting ;)


> Thanks,
> Thomas
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