Le 26/03/2013 15:14, Gary Gregory a écrit :

> Then we need to make the Javadoc better. "DEFAULT" means nothing because it
> is arbitrary as exemplified by the Javadoc: it's the RFC with empty lines,
> but it could be anything we decide, which is unhelpful and could change. If
> you read RFC4180_EMPTY_LINES or RFC4180_THIS_AND_THAT, you know as a user
> that it is precise and quite unlikely to change, whereas DEFAULT could
> change from "RFC and this" or " "RFC and this and that"...

I don't mind having a RFC4180_EMPTY_LINES constant, but I feel it's
important to also have a sane default with a friendly name that shouts
"start with this" at the first glance.

Emmanuel Bourg

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