On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org> wrote:

> Le 26/03/2013 14:58, ggreg...@apache.org a écrit :
> > -    public static final CSVFormat DEFAULT = // TODO rename to something
> more meaningful
> > +    public static final CSVFormat RFC4180_EMPTY_LINES =
> My opinion, from the "Ease of Use Department", when I read the Javadoc
> and see DEFAULT I understand immediately that's what I should probably
> use. With RFC4180_EMPTY_LINES I have no idea what this means (and
> probably scared that I'll have to read a RFC to understand it).

Then we need to make the Javadoc better. "DEFAULT" means nothing because it
is arbitrary as exemplified by the Javadoc: it's the RFC with empty lines,
but it could be anything we decide, which is unhelpful and could change. If
you read RFC4180_EMPTY_LINES or RFC4180_THIS_AND_THAT, you know as a user
that it is precise and quite unlikely to change, whereas DEFAULT could
change from "RFC and this" or " "RFC and this and that"...


> Emmanuel Bourg

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