On 3 October 2012 18:24, Jörg Schaible <joerg.schai...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Matt Benson wrote:
>> Urgh; I find these method names rather painful.  Why wouldn't we
>> simply provide endianness and bit ordering as enums, and parameterize
>> accordingly?
> Because the algorithm is different (although similar) every time and not all
> combinations are implemented?
> Honestly, we would have to use in most cases a switch/case statement
> internally anyway and either throw UnsupportedOperationException for the
> unimplemented cases or someone would have to implement it ... ;-)

I think the enum-based solution is much more elegant; the JavaDoc
could then contain a table demonstrating which combinations are
supported. The better of two evils, IMO.

I'm always in favour of methods that can be easily understood from a
cursory glance. It bodes well for easy code maintenance.


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