On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 11:48 PM, Bruno P. Kinoshita
<brunodepau...@yahoo.com.br> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
>> Would there be a type of Range that could not be turned into a
>> Generator given a compatible Step parameter?  If not, we could define:
>> interface Range<T, S>  {
>> ...
>>    Generator<T>  toGenerator(S step);
>> }
>> This way, Range itself does not contain a step, but still maintains
>> control over how a step is used to create a generator.
> I can't think of any type that could not be turned into a generator given
> the step parameter. But if a range has no step, I think we would have to
> remove the isEmpty(), contains(), containsAll() methods from range
> implementations, as using steps higher than 1, we need to use the step value
> to check if a range is empty or contains a certain element (e.g.: integer
> range (1, 2], step 3, check if contains(2) or isEmpty()).

My thought was that by decoupling a Range from a step, you use only
the bound types/values to determine inclusion of a given value.  If a
Generator is created from (1, 2] with step 3, then that Generator will
only return 1, but that doesn't reflect on the Range, IMO.


>> Either way, I like the notion that a Range is its own type that just
>> *happens* to either provide access to, or an implementation of,
>> Generator.
> +1, let it provide access or be an implementation of Generator. In case we
> do the latter case, I believe isEmpty(), contains() and other methods using
> the step value would be doable.
> Regards,
> Bruno P. Kinoshita
> http://www.kinoshita.eti.br
> http://www.tupilabs.com
> On 06/05/2012 11:52 PM, Matt Benson wrote:
>> Hi, Bruno.  Likewise, answers inline:
>> On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 9:32 PM, Bruno P. Kinoshita
>> <brunodepau...@yahoo.com.br>  wrote:
>>> Hi Matt!
>>> Thanks for your response! Answers added inline.
>>>> 1.  Why are a Range's type and step-type potentially different
>>>> (different type variables, etc.)?
>>> When I started writing this patch, the range's type and step-type were
>>> the
>>> same (i.e. the interface had only one generics type,<T>), but then I
>>> created the CharacterRange and it didn't work because its range type is
>>> Character and its step-type is Integer (same would happen for a
>>> DateRange).
>> I see; good point.
>>> What do you think? Maybe with some generics magic or with a different
>>> approach we could remove the step-type? (I would be +1 for this)
>>>> 2.  Why, if it is a Generator's responsibility to generate items
>>>> subsequent to the lower endpoint, is the step part of the range at
>>>> all? Based on [1], which definition of "range" are we attempting to
>>>> represent?
>>> In google guava and java-yield a range is a generator, as it was in
>>> [functor] too (this patch removes the old IntegerRange, a generator of
>>> Integers).
>>> [functor] has generators that don't require steps (GenerateWhile,
>>> WhileGenerate, UntilGenerate, etc). I think random generators wouldn't
>>> use
>>> steps too (e.g.: RandomIntegerGenerator, USPhoneNumberGenerator,
>>> UUIDGenerator, PrimeNumberGenerator).
>>> The initial idea of the Range interface, was to have similar behavior as
>>> commons-lang's Range [1], plus being able to define steps and have the
>>> actual process (the yield) being executed by an external agent, a
>>> generator.
>>> In the end, I think the of the Range in my patch would be more like an
>>> Interval [2]?.
>>>> The current code seems to implement definition 2 and
>>>> *part* of definition 3, deferring the rest to a corresponding
>>>> Generator.
>>> I couldn't have said it better :-)
>>>> Settling the question of whether [functor]'s Range is a
>>>> "2-range" or also a "3-range" would seem to dictate our action:  do we
>>>> move the step to the generator, or do we make Range calculate each
>>>> item (in which case would it be simpler for Range to implement
>>>> Generator)?
>>> After reading your considerations, I now think that it would be better to
>>> maintain the current approach (Range implements a Generator) and try to
>>> implement generators for double, float and character using the actual
>>> interfaces and try to use steps. What do you think?
>> Would there be a type of Range that could not be turned into a
>> Generator given a compatible Step parameter?  If not, we could define:
>> interface Range<T, S>  {
>> ...
>>   Generator<T>  toGenerator(S step);
>> }
>> This way, Range itself does not contain a step, but still maintains
>> control over how a step is used to create a generator.
>>> Do you think we should keep the naming standard IntegerRange/LongRange,
>>> or
>>> change them to IntegerGenerator/LongGenerator?
>> Either way, I like the notion that a Range is its own type that just
>> *happens* to either provide access to, or an implementation of,
>> Generator.
>> br,
>> Matt
>>> Thank you for reviewing my patch and for the interesting questions! I'm
>>> no
>>> FP expert either, feel free to suggest different ideas, no hard feelings
>>> :)
>>> [1]
>>> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/commons/proper/lang/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/lang3/Range.java?view=markup
>>> [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interval_(mathematics)
>>> Bruno P. Kinoshita
>>> http://www.kinoshita.eti.br
>>> http://www.tupilabs.com
>>> On 06/05/2012 12:08 PM, Matt Benson wrote:
>>>> Hi, Bruno!
>>>>   I have some questions:
>>>> 1.  Why are a Range's type and step-type potentially different
>>>> (different type variables, etc.)?
>>>> 2.  Why, if it is a Generator's responsibility to generate items
>>>> subsequent to the lower endpoint, is the step part of the range at
>>>> all?  Based on [1], which definition of "range" are we attempting to
>>>> represent?  The current code seems to implement definition 2 and
>>>> *part* of definition 3, deferring the rest to a corresponding
>>>> Generator.  Settling the question of whether [functor]'s Range is a
>>>> "2-range" or also a "3-range" would seem to dictate our action:  do we
>>>> move the step to the generator, or do we make Range calculate each
>>>> item (in which case would it be simpler for Range to implement
>>>> Generator)?
>>>> I am by no means an FP or any other type of expert, so feel free to
>>>> show me why I'm wrong on a given point!
>>>> br,
>>>> Matt
>>>> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Range_(computer_science)
>>>> On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 11:59 PM, Bruno P. Kinoshita
>>>> <brunodepau...@yahoo.com.br>    wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I've finished a patch for FUNCTOR-14, regarding the Generators API in
>>>>> [functor]. I'd like to hear what others think about what was done
>>>>> before
>>>>> attaching the patch to JIRA:
>>>>> - Didn't change the Generator interface. Although I commented in the
>>>>> issue about removing the stop() and isStopped() methods and moving to a
>>>>> different interface, it would require a major refactoring, as many
>>>>> other
>>>>> generators are built upon this idea.
>>>>> - Created IntegerGenerator, LongGenerator, FloatGenerator,
>>>>> DoubleGenerator and CharacterGenerator. Didn't implement a
>>>>> DateGenerator as
>>>>> it would require more time and a discussion on how to use days, months,
>>>>> years, days of week, etc.
>>>>> - Introduced Ranges, with the following initial ranges: IntegerRange,
>>>>> LongRange, FloatRange, DoubleRange and CharacterRange. This API is
>>>>> quite
>>>>> similar to other existing APIs, with the difference that you can
>>>>> specify the
>>>>> step (like ranges in Matlab)
>>>>> - The generators that use numbers (there are many other generators,
>>>>> like
>>>>> GenerateWhile, GenerateUntil, etc) use ranges to create the series. The
>>>>> objects are created only when the generator is executed, calling a
>>>>> procedure. Like in python, but instead of retrieving the value with a
>>>>> 'yield' statement, we give a procedure to be executed using the value
>>>>> created.
>>>>> - Included tests to cover the changes.
>>>>> - Updated web site examples.
>>>>> All the tests passed, no checkstyle/pmd/findbugs errors. The character
>>>>> range/generator is a very simple, and there are some operations with
>>>>> double/float in the ranges and generators. I keep my code mirrored in
>>>>> github
>>>>> too, in case someone prefers reading it there
>>>>> https://github.com/kinow/functor.
>>>>> Let me know what you think about it :-)
>>>>> Thank you in advance!
>>>>> Bruno P. Kinoshita
>>>>> http://kinoshita.eti.br
>>>>> http://tupilabs.com
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