On Feb 21, 2012, at 2:38, Simone Tripodi <simonetrip...@apache.org> wrote:

> Sorry but I lost you, at that point I don't understand what meaning we
> want to attribute to the "checkstyle configuration can be overridden"
> sentence.
> Do you mean that we add the suppressions file, in order to skip some
> violations (i.e. signature too long of the default 80 char estimated
> by the default rules)
>  or
> committers can define their own config files?

Both I hope.

> TIA,
> -Simo
> http://people.apache.org/~simonetripodi/
> http://simonetripodi.livejournal.com/
> http://twitter.com/simonetripodi
> http://www.99soft.org/
> On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 4:10 AM, Benedikt Ritter
>> <b...@systemoutprintln.de>wrote:
>>> Am 19.02.2012 22:57, schrieb Simone Tripodi:
>>>  I think it is reasonable to have Commons wide defaults but let projects
>>>>> override them if they want to.
>>> I think that is, what Gary meant in the first place ;-)
>>> http://mail-archives.apache.**org/mod_mbox/commons-dev/**201202.mbox/%3C-*
>>> *662605764588844473%**40unknownmsgid%3E<http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/commons-dev/201202.mbox/%3C-662605764588844473%40unknownmsgid%3E>
>> Yes indeed, thank you for pointing that out in the link above. I do not
>> like to repeat myself.
>> A advantage to an overridable default is that it is quicker to get a new
>> project off and running without letting it go wild with yet another set of
>> conventions. Right now, every time I want to work with one of the 20+
>> commons components (!= project), I have to create yet another IDE set of
>> formatter settings, it's become intolerable and sadly ironic for a project
>> named "Commons".
>> Gary
>>> To be honest, I'm really indifferent regarding what style to use. But I've
>>> come to the conclusion, that coding style is an important thing for some of
>>> you. I think the result of this discussion should be an easy way for
>>> everyone to switch between components, even if some components are
>>> developed by a few committers only (that is why I suggested to put the IDE
>>> configuration files on the website).
>>> Regards,
>>> Benedikt
>>>> that is much more than reasonable, we are on the same path now! :)
>>>> -Simo
>>>> http://people.apache.org/~**simonetripodi/<http://people.apache.org/%7Esimonetripodi/>
>>>> http://simonetripodi.**livejournal.com/<http://simonetripodi.livejournal.com/>
>>>> http://twitter.com/**simonetripodi <http://twitter.com/simonetripodi>
>>>> http://www.99soft.org/
>>>> On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 10:49 PM, Ralph Goers<rgo...@apache.org>  wrote:
>>>>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 12:26 PM, Simone 
>>>>> Tripodi<simonetripodi@apache.**org<simonetrip...@apache.org>>
>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>  While I agree that checkstyle has to be consistent inside each
>>>>>> component, so I would be +1 on having the plugin in the parent (with
>>>>>> PMD and Findbugs as mentioned by Gary), I am still reluctant with
>>>>>> adopting a general checkstyle *configuration* for all components, and
>>>>>> I make you a sample: commons-ognl.
>>>>>> main OGNL contributors have been olamy, mcucchiara, grobmeier and
>>>>>> simonetripodi<http://**svnsearch.org/svnsearch/repos/**
>>>>>> ASF/search?path=%2Fcommons%**2Fproper%2Fognl%2Ftrunk<http://svnsearch.org/svnsearch/repos/ASF/search?path=%2Fcommons%2Fproper%2Fognl%2Ftrunk>
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>> We all (except grobmeier :P) like the mvn style (brought by
>>>>>> checkstyle-plugin) and we are comfortable on working with it. No one
>>>>>> else committed on OGNL.
>>>>>> So please explain me why the PMC should "force" OGNL guys on adopting
>>>>>> a different style in a component where just a small subset of commons
>>>>>> people (mainly Struts guys) is interested.
>>>>>> Concluding: PMD, findbugs and checkstyle by default: +1; deciding
>>>>>> which style has to be applied: -1. Good practice are one thing, strict
>>>>>> rules are different.
>>>>> I think it is reasonable to have Commons wide defaults but let projects
>>>>> override them if they want to.
>>>>> Ralph
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