> [...]
> However, adding Serializable still means devising and implementing the
> appropriate unit tests.
> ==
> I'm not saying don't do it, just that it involves a lot more work than
> might be obvious initially.

[Oh, I said that I would not fight over this... :-#]
But the arguments here make me raise at least a -0 on having a liberal use
of "implements Serializable". That would be a virtual -1 if we think that a
lot of resources are to be devoted to make (and check that) everything works
as advertised by the "Serializable" contract.

[I still have to understand why objects that represent mathematical
algorithms must be serializable. It is quite possible that I miss somehing
but a use-case would help. In principle, I'd think that we must provide
accessors that would enable user code to re-construct any CM object; then
it's up to the user code to create any "Serializable" object for storing
those data they want to send over the wire, and reconstruct the CM object
on the other end...]


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