Interesting that you say that because long-term storage of data and
communication between distributed components are exactly what I use
serialization for.  Note that communication between components almost
automatically implies version mismatch in lots of production systems
exactly because you can't update all components simultaneously.

Systems like Avro, Thrift, Protobufs and Kryo all exist precisely because
native serialization is so terribly broken.

On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 1:26 AM, Luc Maisonobe <>wrote:

> Maintaining serialization maintainance is hard only if you want to be
> able to deserialized with version n something that was serialized with
> version p. This situation appears either if you use serialization for
> long term storage or if you have a distributed application with two
> parts using different levels. The first case is a wrong use of
> serialization. The second case can be simply declared to be unsupported.

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