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The "Sanity Check of APIs, etc." page has been changed by MattBenson: New page: Address open questions: * there are several marker interfaces, but maybe some annotations would make more sense? * couldn't Function, UnaryFunction and BinaryFunction be unified with a single interface using a vararg parameter? * EachElement should be able to work on any Iterable. Also I'm not sure to understand why its constructor is public. * Shouldn't Generator implement Iterable? * why are equals, hashCode and toString defined in the Functor interface? * why Predicate isn't an extension of Function<Boolean> ? * why Procedure isn't an extension of Function<Void> ? * Why are constants available through both a static field AND a static method? For example Identity.INSTANCE and Identify.instance(), or Constant.TRUE and Constant.truePredicate() ? * The Javadoc for Limit states "A predicate that returns true the first n times it is invoked.", but what happens after? Is it the opposite of Offset? * Why aren't Limit and Offset serializable like the other classes in the core package? * Limit and Offset could probably use an AtomicInteger instead of a synchronized block * the site has no example easily accessible, the reader is invited to browse the JUnit tests. That's not really user friendly. * I see IllegalArgumentExceptions thrown for null values, shouldn't this be changed to throw NullPointerExceptions ? * @inheritDoc tags should be removed if no additional description is provided in the subclasses. This tag is only useful for extending the description from the method of the super class. * what's the point of having equals(T) methods in addition to equals(Object) ? It clutters the API. * CollectionTransformer has a todo stating : "TODO revisit this class..." * There are several untested classes in the composite package * Most of the equals/hashcode methods are not tested --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: