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The "Net/FrequentlyAskedQuestions" page has been changed by sebbapache:

No longer uses ORO

  This document attempts to answer some of the more frequently asked questions 
regarding various aspects of CommonsNet. These questions are typically asked 
over and over again on the mailing lists, as a courtesy to the developers, we 
ask that you read this document before posting to the mailing lists.
- ----
- '''Q: I see the following exception thrown when calling FTPClient.listFiles()
- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
- What is this about?
- '''
- '''A:''' the library jakarta-oro.jar is required to be on your classpath in 
order to run the all the listFiles() methods and is listed as a dependency of 
- Get it from [[]]
  '''Q: How can I set a connection timeout?'''

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