You mean 1.6 or 1.7 WC ?

2011/12/19 sebb <seb...@gmail.com>:
> When I added the buildNumber plugin to CP22, it seemed that it would
> be best to use the "svnjava" provider, as that works even if the user
> does not have a command-line svn client installed.
> However, since then, the SVN working copy format has changed, and the
> svnjava provider relies on SVNkit which does not yet support the new
> WC format.
> Unfortunately, the buildnumber plugin does not support overriding the
> provider via a property

you can probably use a profile for that.

>, only via POM configuration. I've updated CP
> in SVN to allow the provider to be overridden on the command-line.
> The question is: what should the default setting be?
> Is it safe to assume that most Commons Developers (particularly RMs)
> have an SVN command-line client installed?
> If so, then perhaps a better default would be to use that, but still
> allow override via a property.
> Or maybe a Maven guru can describe how to detect if the svn
> command-line client is present (this must be reliable, and work across
> all OSes).
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Olivier Lamy
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