When I added the buildNumber plugin to CP22, it seemed that it would
be best to use the "svnjava" provider, as that works even if the user
does not have a command-line svn client installed.

However, since then, the SVN working copy format has changed, and the
svnjava provider relies on SVNkit which does not yet support the new
WC format.

Unfortunately, the buildnumber plugin does not support overriding the
provider via a property, only via POM configuration. I've updated CP
in SVN to allow the provider to be overridden on the command-line.

The question is: what should the default setting be?

Is it safe to assume that most Commons Developers (particularly RMs)
have an SVN command-line client installed?

If so, then perhaps a better default would be to use that, but still
allow override via a property.

Or maybe a Maven guru can describe how to detect if the svn
command-line client is present (this must be reliable, and work across
all OSes).

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