Another slightly odd looking thing is to have
org.apache.commons.sanselan.common as a package. There is also a util
packages. I wonder I this stuff can be moved around in some way that
looks and feels less scattered.

Op Ed:
On a different tak, personally, I've never liked sanselan as a package
in the [commons] universe. I want to just see org.apache.commons.image
or some such. Just like we have .io, .lang, .net, and so on. All
commons packages are functional IIRC, not some goofy name.


On Dec 17, 2011, at 8:48, sebb <> wrote:

> On 17 December 2011 13:09, Gary Gregory <> wrote:
>> On Dec 17, 2011, at 5:58, sebb <> wrote:
>>> On 17 December 2011 06:05, Damjan Jovanovic <> wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 1:35 AM, Gary Gregory 
>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 5:54 PM, sebb <> wrote:
>>>>>> On 16 December 2011 20:49, Gary Gregory <> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 1:43 PM, sebb <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 16 December 2011 17:27, Simone Tripodi <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> AH yes, that's because Sanselan came from the Incubator and hasn't
>>>>>>>>> been updated yet :P
>>>>>>>> Yes - that's good (as it happens).
>>>>>>>> The previous (incubator) Maven release was under the groupId
>>>>>>>> org.apache.sanselan, and the package was also o.a.sanselan
>>>>>>>> The package name has been changed already, so we can change the Maven
>>>>>>>> groupId to o.a.commons, which will automatically give Nexus access.
>>>>>>> I see "package org.apache.sanselan" all over in
>>>>>>> Do I have the right project checked out?
>>>>>> Oops!  Yes, you do.
>>>>>> Sorry, got that wrong - I thought I had checked the current package.
>>>>>> In which case, we either need to
>>>>>> * keep the package name & make another release under the old Maven
>>>>> coords,
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> * change the package to o.a.c and make a release under Maven o.a.c.
>>>>>  IMO "change the package to o.a.c", should be done now.
>>>>> I'll could it unless you or anyone gets to it first, or makes other kinds
>>>>> of noises.
>>>> If a 1.0 release is necessary, I'd like to make other changes too before
>>>> that.
>>> If the package name is changed to o.a.commons, the
>> Note that there are other package name oddities like mixed case
>> package names which should be all lower case.
> +1 to fixing those - it's obvious what the proper solution is there.
> The tricky bit is getting the API correct ... or at least sufficiently
> correct that a further break in binary compat. is very unlikely.
>> Gary
>>> Commons versioning
>>> guidelines require a major version bump.
>>> Probably a good idea anyway to release as 1.0 to show that the
>>> incubation stage is finally over.
>>> The package name change means there's no need to keep binary
>>> compatibility - users will have to edit and recompile anyway.
>>> But ideally fix all broken bits of the API at once to avoid having to
>>> change the package name again in the future.
>>>> As for the Java 1.5 update, that would make a Java ME port harder to do,
>>>> but I'd rather have an Android port anyway.
>>>> Damjan
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