On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 11:28 AM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 16 December 2011 15:07, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Shouldn't we update the code to Java 5 at least before a release? So
> > that it looks and feels modern? The commons-io dep could be updated
> > then too. Same for JUnit.
> Updating to Java 1.5 properly is a lot of work, but if there are
> people willing to do it and review then fine.
> But I think it would be better to release it soon as it is, and get
> some feedback first.
> Since Java 5 conversion probably requires visiting every class and
> considering its API, I think that might be better for a 1.0 release,

Agreed. I thought this message was about 1.0 because the subject is "how to
build a release".


at which point any untidiness in the API can be corrected. This will
> probably require breaking binary compatibility, but that will give a
> chance to fix the Maven groupId.
> Get the functionality working first, then tidy up and "modernise" the code.
> > Gary
> >
> > On Dec 16, 2011, at 5:30, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> On 16 December 2011 06:27, Damjan Jovanovic <damjan....@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>> Thank you, this seems like what I needed. It turns out gpg-agent has
> to be
> >>> used to sign.
> >>>
> >>> Unfortunately the Internet bandwidth required to upload all the files
> is
> >>> vast, so a Sanselan release is probably only going to happen in
> January.
> >>
> >> Perhaps consider dropping the BZ2 format; only gz amd zip are generally
> needed.
> >>
> >> Also, can some of the larger test files be compressed or replaced?
> >> The source archive is much bigger than the binary - normally it's the
> >> other way round
> >>
> >>> In the meanwhile, does my key have to linked into the web of trust
> before I
> >>> can make a release?
> >>
> >> No.
> >>
> >>> Damjan
> >>>
> >>> On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 7:05 PM, Simone Tripodi <
> simonetrip...@apache.org>wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi Damjan!
> >>>>
> >>>> I suggest you approaching the wiki page[1] first to see how components
> >>>> are released in commons, at least the described method is the one I
> >>>> follow when proposing RCs.
> >>>>
> >>>> HTH, have a nice day!
> >>>> -Simo
> >>>>
> >>>> [1] http://wiki.apache.org/commons/CreatingReleases
> >>>>
> >>>> http://people.apache.org/~simonetripodi/
> >>>> http://simonetripodi.livejournal.com/
> >>>> http://twitter.com/simonetripodi
> >>>> http://www.99soft.org/
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 5:58 PM, Damjan Jovanovic <
> damjan....@gmail.com>
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>> Hi
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I promised to start the Sanselan release process early this week, but
> >>>> I've
> >>>>> been having problem after problem:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 1. The instructions on
> http://commons.apache.org/releases/prepare.htmlsay
> >>>>> that you run a variation of "mvn install" to build the release... but
> >>>> this
> >>>>> only generates the .jar files, not the src/bin zip/tar.gz/tar.bz2
> files.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 2. Running "mvn assembly:assembly" fails because my UTF-8 platform
> locale
> >>>>> causes a multibyte bug in Plexus Archiver when writing a German
> sounding
> >>>>> filename into the src tar file. I reported this 3 year old bug and
> >>>>> submitted a patch (http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/PLXCOMP-195).
> How did
> >>>>> you build Sanselan without this patch before?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 3. Running "mvn assembly:assembly" with a manually patched Plexus
> >>>> Archiver
> >>>>> (and what a mission it was to figure out which of the 5 versions of
> >>>> Plexus
> >>>>> Archiver in my Maven repository is the one used...) does generate
> those
> >>>>> other files, but doesn't sign them.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 4. My attempts to manually sign the .jar file, or its md5 or sha1
> hash,
> >>>>> with gpg, generate different checksums than those generated by Maven.
> >>>> Thus
> >>>>> I cannot manually sign the zip/tar files. How is signing supposed to
> >>>> work,
> >>>>> what gets signed and how?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 5. "mvn release" is so badly documented that I am scared to use it.
> When
> >>>> I
> >>>>> run it with -DdryRun=true, it hangs on [gpg:sign {execution:
> >>>>> sign-artifacts}]. The child process launched by "mvn
> release:prepare" is
> >>>>> launched without this parameter, and strace shows it stuck in read()
> on
> >>>> fd
> >>>>> 0 (stdin). Typing the passphrase and pressing enter does nothing.
> >>>>> Redirecting stdin from a file with the passphrase also does nothing.
> >>>>> Attempts to use -Dgpg.passphrase=... also do nothing, whether passed
> to
> >>>>> directly "mvn" or quoted inside the -Darguments or both, and "ps fax"
> >>>> shows
> >>>>> that it isn't passed to the child process.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Please help?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thank you
> >>>>> Damjan
> >>>>
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> >>>>
> >>
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> >
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E-Mail: garydgreg...@gmail.com | ggreg...@apache.org
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