

On 8/15/11 11:03 AM, sebb wrote:
> Just in case anyone wants to use Maven to download the Java part of
> Commons Daemon (this has been requested in the past), I thought it
> would be useful to create and upload the Maven artifacts to the Nexus
> staging repo.
> The uploads contain source, so although the main release votes have
> already passed, it seems sensible to vote again on the actual Maven
> artifacts.
> Daemon 1.0.6
> ==========
> Staging area:
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachecommons-040/commons-daemon/commons-daemon/
> which was built from the tag
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/proper/daemon/tags/COMMONS_DAEMON_1_0_6
> (r1144188)
> using "mvn clean; mvn deploy -Prelease"
> [ ]+1 OK to release
> [ ]-1 do not release, please give a reason why
> Daemon 1.0.7
> ==========
> Staging area
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachecommons-041/commons-daemon/commons-daemon/
> which was built from the tag
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/proper/daemon/tags/COMMONS_DAEMON_1_0_7
> (r1153351)
> using "mvn clean; mvn deploy -Prelease"
> [ ]+1 OK to release
> [ ]-1 do not release, please give a reason why
> Voting will remain open for the usual minimum of 72 hours.
> Thanks!
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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