Le 15/08/2011 20:03, sebb a écrit :
Just in case anyone wants to use Maven to download the Java part of
Commons Daemon (this has been requested in the past), I thought it
would be useful to create and upload the Maven artifacts to the Nexus
staging repo.

The uploads contain source, so although the main release votes have
already passed, it seems sensible to vote again on the actual Maven

I am not sure about this. What we release is mainly source code, and binaries are a convenience but seems to me less official. Also voting separately for the binaries as an afterthought is uncomfortable. Of course I do trust you to have built these artifacts properly, but how can I really be sure they correspond to the same source code we voted upon a few days ago ?

Please, don't consider it as offending, I am just wondering about a process I don't master.


Daemon 1.0.6
Staging area:

which was built from the tag
using "mvn clean; mvn deploy -Prelease"

[ ]+1 OK to release
[ ]-1 do not release, please give a reason why

Daemon 1.0.7
Staging area

which was built from the tag
using "mvn clean; mvn deploy -Prelease"

[ ]+1 OK to release
[ ]-1 do not release, please give a reason why

Voting will remain open for the usual minimum of 72 hours.


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