One approach that will minimize the burden on commons math developers is to 
point users to an AspectJ approach as is discussed here:

The article starts out with a discussion of how to implement the observer 
design pattern the classic way, along with the associated design and 
maintenance costs, and then explains how to do it with AspectJ which leaves the 
class of the objects being observed in its original form.

- Ole

On 08/09/2011 12:46 AM, Sébastien Brisard wrote:
2011/8/8 Phil Steitz<>:

+1 to the idea of using the Observer pattern; but -0 for
Observable.  I would favor defining Events and Listeners because a)
Observable is concrete, so effectively forces you to create an
Observable delegate

I'm not sure I understand. Components in java.awt also need to
implement quite a few methods like addListener, fireEvent, and so on.
Maybe we could write a DefaultObservable, which would implement most
of the methods required by Observable, and could be inherited by some
(probably not all, unfortunately) of the already implemented iterative
algorithms ?

and b) the interface is crude and is really
designed for GUI scenarios where observers are holding references to
the Observable and just being notified that something has changed.
Events are more flexible and can be implemented using interfaces.
Has anyone ever actually used Observable outside of a GUI m/v
environment?   Does anyone know of event frameworks suitable for
monitoring long-running computations that we might adapt?

In any case, I think it is a good idea to develop an event framework
for [math].  We should probably also think about doing this in a way
that is at least JMX-friendly.


Browsing through the JavaDoc, I realized that o.a.c.m.ode has some
event handling facilities. Is the implementer still around?

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