Commons Logging takes a least common denominator approach, which makes it 
useful for only fairly simple use cases.  The goals for Log4J 2 are much more 
extensive than just a simple API that wraps other logging frameworks.  


On Jul 29, 2011, at 6:19 AM, Paul Benedict wrote:

> Would there be any merit in combining the log4j and commons logging
> code? Given a hypothetical Log4j 2 and JCL 2, how much different could
> they really be in terms of their goals and add-ins?
> On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 4:51 AM, Gilles Sadowski
> <> wrote:
>> Hello.
>>> I would have done that but some of the deficiencies are in the API and I 
>>> couldn't get Ceki to incorporate them.
>> Do you have a pointer to a listing of those deficiencies?
>>> [...]
>> Thanks,
>> Gilles
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