Hello. > > Here are my personal opinions on this entire discussion: > > I'm not sure I like the auto-magic under the hood conversion from unbracketed > solver to bracketed solver.
It's not really "under the hood", as the user must specify an enum value to get the "bracketing". The default ("ANY_SIDE") will return the original output. > I think the BracketingWrapperSolver that was proposed would keep the clear > distinction between the two. > This new classs would then have the purpose to do the conversion. > This takes the magic out of the process. > The new class has a very clear purpose that could be easily explained. > It is also a matter of separation of concerns. > Furthermore, using a non-bracketed algorithm you would expect to get > non-bracketed solutions. > Using the auto-magic conversion to bracketed solutions may change the > properties of the algorithms. > I also think it is important to have a clear separation by means of an > interface or base class to separate bracketing algorithms from non-bracketing > algorithms. Really, there is no mixing (cf. above). As a matter of principle, I'd agree with you on having another class etc. But in the current design, this leads to other drawbacks, as this discussion has shown. This design has eliminated shortcomings of the previous one, but it might not be good enough. However, as it is, the "BracketingWrapperSolver" is most probably not the optimal solution. We also do not have a clear separation between algorithms that take a bracket (e.g. "BrentSolver") and those that don't (e.g. "NewtonSolver"). If the "solve" methods called by the user contains more parameters than needed by the algorithm implemented in the instance, they will be ignored. [In some sense, this is even worst than the bracketing "enum" case. However, in both cases we could maybe assume that the user has a minimal knowledge of the concept implemented in the class which he is using. And, again, not specifying a parameter (in the call to "solve") won't do any harm ;-).] > > I think it would be preferable to not hardcode the PegasusSolver as > 'fallback' bracketing solver. Yes, this is probably a good point. It could be solved by adding a "setBracketingSolver" method to the base class. If not explicitely specified, which one should be the default? > It would be better to have a two parameter version of the > BracketingWrapperSolver constructor: > an instance of the non-bracketing solver, and an instance of the fallback > bracketing solver. > A one argument constructor could be added that does use the Pegasus as > default. > There were also some numbers hard-coded. It would be preferable to have them > configurable. Another reason that I don't like this class is that it is somehow a user-level utility. Let's say that CM provides solvers; some are bracketing, some not. We'd say: "If you need a bracketing one, then use a bracketing one." Adding this interface plus an implementing class, plus three interfaces and three classes to hide the generic parameter is, IMHO, a bit too much to support for this kind of syntactic sugar. However, if we do want to provide the utility, maybe that it should be considered as such and _not_ as a solver by itself. E.g. some method "refine" in some utility class: public static double refine(UnivariateRealFunction f, double baseRoot, BracketingSolver solver, double epsilon, AllowedSolutions solutionType) { // ... } where "baseRoot" is the root to refine (and we don't care how it was obtained). > > I'm not sure if it is easy to do, but I think it would be better to check if > it is necessary to use the 'fallback' bracketing solver. > If a non-bracketing solver already returned a solution that is on a valid > side, > then that answer should be used, and the use of the fallback solver should be > avoided. > I think we can do this by evaluating the function that the returned solution > and the > absolute tolerance before or after it (depending on the requested solution). > Also, the found solution is extended on both sides to obtain an interval, > which is then passed to the bracketing solver. If there is another root at > the 'wrong' > side of the first solution, can we guarantee that the correct side is found? > Maybe we should only extend it to the direction where we need to find the new > bracketed solution? Indeed, these are good questions. Once we agree on the interface, they should probably be the next steps to improve the functionality. > > I kind of like AllowedSolutions as argument to the solve(...) method. > I think it would be an improvement over a setAllowedSolutions, as it would > make the feature more prominent. > A version of the method without the argument should have the backwards > compatible behavior of > EITHER_SIDE (ANY_SIDE). Indeed, that's what is supposed to happen with the (untested) code I had proposed. > Either non-bracketing solvers should not have to implement the extended > version of the method, or they > should throw UnsupportedExceptions for solutions that they can not guarantee. In principle, you are right. But in practice, we'd add an efficiency penalty to the algorithm by checking for unused arguments instead of simply ignoring them and assuming that the user knows what he does. > > Question: what other solvers that are available maintain a bracketed > solution, besides the secant-based methods? "BrentSolver" (referring to Luc's nice ASCII art picture a few posts ago). Best regards, Gilles --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@commons.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@commons.apache.org