Le 24/12/2010 02:24, Gilles Sadowski a écrit :
> Hello.
>>> To avoid this case, I was wondering whether we could, instead of having
>>>    public class RealVectorFormat extends CompositeFormat {
>>>       // ...
>>>    }
>>> have
>>>   public class RealVectorFormat {
>>>      CompositeFormat compositeFormat;
>>>       // ...  
>>>    }
>>> without any ill side-effects.
>> So you basically prevent users from doing
>>   Format fmt = new RealVectorFormat();
> It's either this or "ParseException" must be part of CM's interface, which
> contradicts the new policy that all exceptions generated by CM should
> inherit from the new "MathRuntimeException".
>> Also if there is still a CompositeFormat inside which still extends
>> java.util.Format, what happens when it cannot parse ? Is the checked
>> exception caught and wrapped into an unchecked one ?
> A checked exception will never be thrown because the method that throws it
> (i.e. "parseOject(String)") is not used internally: "RealVectorFormat" only
> uses "parseOject(String,ParsePosition)" which is not declared to throw a
> "ParseException".

OK, I missed that point.
Losing the inheritance from java.util.Format seems fair at Vector level,
so +1 from me.


> Gilles
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