> Just to be sure: You propose to remove
> public void setDistribution(TDistribution value)
> Is this correct?


> If so, another proposal - I'm not sure it's a clever one - is
> ---CUT---
>     public TDistribution setDistribution(TDistribution value) {
>         double n = value.getDegreesOfFreedom();
>         if (n > 2) {
>             n -= 2;
>         }
>         final TDistribution newDistribution = new TDistributionImpl(n - 2);
>         distribution = newDistribution;
>         return newDistribution;
>     }
> ---CUT---
> So that the new instance gets returned. As mentioned, I'm not sure
> it's a good idea, but it would maintain the possibility to change
> distribution. I think I'd prefer deleting the setDistribution-method
> instead of this psudo-solution.

There would remain the problem that, if "value" was instantiated with the
other constructor:
  public TDistributionImpl(double degreesOfFreedom, double inverseCumAccuracy) {
      // ...
one could potentially have inconsistent behaviour since the
"inverseCumAccuracy" parameter cannot be recovered (it is only accessible
through a "protected" accessor method).

> TTestImpl: Would it be an idea to change the constructor to pass a
> double degreeOfFreedom instead of a TDistribution?

Yes, that would solve the problem.


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