
While making the distribution classes immutable, I'm encountering a problem.
In class "SimpleRegression" (package "stat.regression"), there is (at line
        if (n > 2) {
            distribution.setDegreesOfFreedom(n - 2);
and, similarly, in class "TTestImpl" (package "stat.inference"), there is
(at line 961):
        distribution.setDegreesOfFreedom(n - 1);

The method "setDegreesOfFreedom" does not exist anymore (it was depreceated
in 2.1).
I would have created a new instance e.g. for the first example above:
        if (n > 2) {
            distribution = new TDistributionImpl(n - 2);
but the problem is the existence of a setter for the "distribution" instance
    public void setDistribution(TDistribution value) {
        distribution = value;

        // modify degrees of freedom
        if (n > 2) {
            distribution.setDegreesOfFreedom(n - 2);
So that, with the proposed change, the "distribution" variable will contain
a new reference (and even possibly an instance of another type).
Note that this setter is dangerous; it is the same problem as in issue 349:
Hence I'd remove the setter entirely.

What do you think?


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