On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 4:12 PM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 31 August 2010 19:29, Simone Tripodi <simone.trip...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Seb,
>> thanks for your feedbacks, always appreciated! I know and understand
>> the need of having the package.html files, but what do you think about
>> replacing them with the package-info.java files? It should be the
>> same, or not? I've been working with them and found it very
>> comfortables.
> Never used them, so I don't know.
> Do they cause any problems with IDEs or Maven?
> They are .java files - so do they end up as .class files?

Depends on the JDK and IDE version(s) I suppose. Having used them, I
don't recollect seeing those .class files in m2 built jars (IIRC, that
was with JDK 1.6). However, I also do recollect seeing such .class
files in my IDE (IIRC, some older Eclipse at the time). It'd be good
to check the build artifacts but modulo that am generally in favor of
moving to the now preferred package-info.java instead.

>> I'll start staking care of migrating the JUnit dependency, is it fine
>> for you just adding the @Test annotation on existing methods, without
>> renaming them? The number of tests is quite large... :P
> I would not bother with converting the existing tests.



>> Thanks in advance, have a nice day,
>> Simo
>> http://people.apache.org/~simonetripodi/
>> http://www.99soft.org/

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