On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 12:02 PM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 31 August 2010 14:39, Simone Tripodi <simone.trip...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Rahul,
>> I just added the xdoc version of the documentation present in the
>> package.html files.

Nice. BTW, you can even deploy the site if you mark the menu heading
as "Guide (SVN latest)" or some such. The [digester] site is fairly
well structured so may be deployed between releases.

> The package.html files are normally used to annotate the Javadoc output.
> However in this case these files have got a lot more content than is
> normally present in the Javadoc.
>> Do you think these last can be removed, since
>> would be redundant with the new developers guide?

I checked and it doesn't look like there are a lot of non-Commons
sites that link to the old package guide. So I think its OK to remove
(and we certainly don't want two copies to get out of sync).

> There should at least be minimal package.html files for Javadoc usage,
> so I don't think the files should be removed entirely, but they could
> be replaced with much simpler versions.
>> At this stage, we
>> should maintain two different data sources with same information, I'd
>> propose to drop the existing one, but let choose together.
>> Another small question: in src/conf there is a MANIFEST.MF[1] file
>> that contains informations that maven can generate automatically, do
>> you think we can drop it, when dropping the ant build?
> +1 to dropping MANIFEST.MF.

Yup, its legacy stuff, +1 to removal as well.


>> Thanks in advance, have a nice day!
>> Simo
>> [1] 
>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/proper/digester/trunk/src/conf/MANIFEST.MF
>> http://people.apache.org/~simonetripodi/
>> http://www.99soft.org/

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