> >There may be some cases where it makes sense to propagate NPEs
> >directly.  I don't see any in the code now, but I would not rule it
> >out for the future.  I am fine, however, dispensing with
> >MathRuntimeException.createNullPointerException (that's what I meant
> >by "wrapped NPE." Technically, you are right, the resultant NPE is
> >not really "wrapped," just specialized.)  Where we throw IAE today
> >with informative error message indicating which parameter was null,
> >I want to retain the error message.
> >
> There are actually quite a few places were we propagate NPEs
> directly.  For example PolynomialFunction does this pretty much
> everywhere that the JavaDocs says that it throws a NPE.

So this must be changed. I'll file a report.


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