Le 05/08/2010 16:26, Phil Steitz a écrit :
> Gilles Sadowski wrote:
>>>> As proposed in
>>>>   https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MATH-401
>>>> we could still do explicit checks for "null" but nevertheless throw the
>>>> standard (non-specific and non localized) NPE.
>>> The added value that I see is that an IAE designating which argument
>>> that cannot be null is in fact null gives more specific information
>>> to the caller (or production support person examining logs) than
>>> just a propagated NPE.
>> My argument is again "What can he do with that information? Nothing but
>> report the bug to the application developer."
>> Early failure (by explicitly throwing NPE as soon as the problem is
>> detected) to pinpoint the cause is fine, but going beyond that (e.g.
>> using a specific error message for each type found in CM) is not added
>> value; it's bloated code.
> No, it is providing full information on the failure, which is very
> useful when troubleshooting problems during development and
> production.  There is a reason that Java exception classes have a
> "message" property. Developers who construct useful and informative
> exception error messages are doing their users a big favor.  I do
> not want to see us take backward steps in this area.

I second that.


> Phil
>> Gilles
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