Hi, I'd like to announce the availability of Commons FileUpload 1.2.2. This is a binary compatible bug fix release, intended to replace all previous versions. Binary and source distributions are available from
http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/commons/fileupload The list of changes, compared to version 1.2.1, is below. Jochen Wiedmann - Added a check for file names containing a NULL characters. Such file names are now triggering an InvalidFileNameException since the file name cannot be used as provided to create the file since it will be truncated at the NUL character on most (all?) operating systems. E.g. a file name like "test.foo0.bar" would result in "test.foo" being created. Thanks to Daniel Fabian. - Temporary files have not been deleted, if an error occurred in FileUploadBase.parseRequest(); Fixes FILEUPLOAD-160. Thanks to Stepan Koltsov. - Fixed example in MultipartStream Javadocs. Fixes FILEUPLOAD-158. Thanks to Stepan Koltsov. - Ensured, that the ProgressListener is called for all items. Fixes FILEUPLOAD-157. Thanks to Paul Spurr. - Made the ProgressNotifier public. Fixes FILEUPLOAD-156. - Multiple documentation fixes. Fixes FILEUPLOAD-155. Thanks to Jörg Heinicke. - Fixed the error message for FileSizeLimitExceededException from "too many characters" to "too many bytes". Fixes FILEUPLOAD-152. Thanks to Duzakropka. - A FileSizeLimitExceededException does now contain the file and field name of the item, which caused the problem. Fixes FILEUPLOAD-154. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@commons.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@commons.apache.org