2010/4/13 ustbcoder <ustbco...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> These days, i have finished a demo for this Eclipse-based Visual State Chart 
> editor, you can find it here 
> http://blog.163.com/guixl_001/blog/static/41764104201031383845507/,
> and i also finish my initiatory system work flow design,you can find it 
> here:http://blog.163.com/guixl_001/blog/static/41764104201031395040765/
> If you have any advises,please let me know :-)

Cool. Looks great :-)


> Best regards
> Xunlong Gui
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 2:42 AM, xunlong gui <ustbco...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have been using Apache Commons SCXML Engine for more than two years,Now i
>> have an idea to improve it, and I wanted to post it and see if there would
>> be any interest in it in the Apache SCXML community. If possible, i want to
>> hold it as a GSoC(url:http://socghop.appspot.com/) open source project.
>> The basic idea of the project is to create a Eclipse based visual editor and
>> debugger for SCXML which can also generate SCXML statechart to Java code.
>> State Chart XML (SCXML) is currently a Working Draft published by the World
>> Wide Web Consortium (W3C). SCXML provides a generic state-machine based
>> execution environment based on Harel State Tables. SCXML is a candidate for
>> the control language within multiple markup languages coming out of the
>> W3C.It is very useful to handler complex status transfer logic,but if a
>> SCXML file is really so huge and complex,it will become too difficult to
>> maintain and refactor or to test its logic validity.
>> This project is to develop a Eclipse plunge-in visual editor which is
>> capable of showing a graphical representation of the process model and
>> allows for adding breakpoints to activities, variable modifications and
>> managing the debugging process for SCXML.I have already done some work on
>> both SCXML and Eclipse GMF,even i tried to implement a SCXML editor using
>> GMF and got a little achievement,so i want to develop this editor with GMF
>> and have enough confidence to finish it.
>> Usually,State Chart XML file will be running on a SCXML engine(for example,
>> our Apache Commons SCXML),if some one only want to achieve the SCXML file's
>> business logic,but do not want to or can not use some SCXML engine due to
>> licence problem etc,this tool can export SCXML file's logic to executeable
>> Java code which has the same state logic translation with the SCXML file.
>> This is my mainly idea,if anyone has any questions or comments, or would be
>> interested in mentoring this project, please let me know. Thanks.

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