2009/11/22 Doug Bateman <d...@dougbateman.net>:
>> It means much bigger jars. 3M jars when people complain about the
>> size of the 500k Collections jar. I think a lot of that is not the
>> size of the jar, but the ability to grok the fullness of the API -
>> anyone who actually cares about jar size should be using tools like
>> jarjar. Still, it's often been the main complaint and there are people
>> who strongly dislike the 500k collections jar.
> Regarding jar file sizes mentioned earlier in the thread.  I've never
> really understood the tendency for people to complain about 300kb
> jars.  Or even a larger Java API.  (The JRE for 1.6 is 80MB, which is
> nothing compared to even a tiny 60GB disk.)

We use some commons projects in one of our commercial products that
uses in-browser applets. Size is very important for some of our
customers who have clients connecting in from geographically remote
outstations over links with about as much bandwidth as a piece of wet

We ship the workstations with the JRE installed so that's never a
problem, but maintaining a connection long enough for the browser
download and cache all the necessary jars almost always is.

Note that I'm not opposed to a consolidated commons distribution, it's
just that you should understand why size does matter for some

Mat Booth

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