Jörg Schaible wrote:
Hi Phil,

Phil Steitz wrote:

Luc Maisonobe wrote:
Jörg Schaible a écrit :
Hi Phil,

one thing that also irritated me first was the directory layout. While
we do not necessarily follow the Maven conventions always (mainly
because of historical reasons) we have in case of math a mixture between
Maven conventions and history.

Maven encourages you to separate main and test sources in src/main/java
and src/test/java. We have in commons src/java and scr/test. However,
the default for resources in Maven is src/main/resources and
src/test/resources and here math suddenly has the main resources in
src/main/resource. It's the mixture of the conventions that itch me.
I strongly agree here.
I everybody is OK, I'll do the change to maven standard in a few hours.
Fine by me, though it is annoying that we are forced to do this.

Well, you do not have to follow the Maven setup, but it's the mixture here.
Actually this is one of the core issues of Maven, that all the projects are
uniform - know one, know all.

When I saw the failing test I tried to open the files from command line
using tab completion. Finding "main" under "src" I was quite irritated not
to have "java" under "test".

So either follow all the rules or not at all, but don't mix it - the result
is worse.
I agree with you on the awkwardness of the "mixed" setup. What annoys me is that we were forced to introduce "main" to get the changes plugin to load a resource that it should have been able to find.

- Jörg

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