Luc Maisonobe a écrit :
> Jörg Schaible a écrit :
>> Hi Phil,
>> tried the source package with my compiler zoo. Sun JDKs and icedtea6 take
>> roughly 1 min to compile, test and build the jar. IBM JDK 1.6 takes about 3
>> mins ... are math operations so bad with this JVM? However, with JRockit
>> 1.5 the test hangs forever in
>> org.apache.commons.math.ode.nonstiff.GraggBulirschStoerIntegratorTest and I
>> have to kill it after several minutes (verified twice). Can someone else
>> confirm?
> Could you tell which test fails in the Gragg Bulirsch Stoer set (there
> are 10 tests for it) ?
> could you try to add this statement to the failing test, sometimes
> before the call to integrate ?
>   integ.setMaxEvaluations(100000);
> This could prevent a possible infinite loop but will lead the test to
> fail with an exception when the maximal number of evaluations is reached.

Maybe it is the same problem that was encountered while releasing 1.2
<> ? Could you try the fix I
proposed in the referenced message ?


> Luc
>> - Jörg
>> Phil Steitz wrote:
>>> The release distributions are here:
>>> The tag is here:
>>> Votes, please.  This vote will close in 72 hours (01:00 GMT 2-Aug-09)
>>> Thanks!
>>> Phil
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