Online report :

Build statistics:
  State: Ok
  Previous State: Failed
  Started at: Tue 7 Jul 2009 03:33:02 -0700
  Finished at: Tue 7 Jul 2009 03:35:37 -0700
  Total time: 2m 35s
  Build Trigger: Schedule
  Build Number: 100
  Exit code: 0
  Building machine hostname:
  Operating system : Linux(unknown)
  Java Home version : 
          java version "1.6.0_06"
          Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_06-b02)
          Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 10.0-b22, mixed mode, sharing)
  Builder version :
          Maven version: 2.0.9
          Java version: 1.6.0_06
          OS name: "linux" version: "2.6.24-23-server" arch: "i386" Family: 
SCM Changes:
Changed: markt @ Tue 7 Jul 2009 02:42:04 -0700
Comment: Increase the time the threads hold onto the object. Improves the test 
as it should ensure that, on start, 10 threads hold objects and 20 threads 
block waiting for an object. Previously not all the threads would have started 
before the first thread returned its object to the pool.
This also allows the time between thread starts to be increased to ensure 
threads are started in the right order and hopefully avoid some of the 
continuum failures we have been seeing.
Files changed:
 ( 791770 )

Changed: markt @ Tue 7 Jul 2009 02:54:27 -0700
Comment: Fix error is tests. All tests still pass.
Files changed:
 ( 791773 )

Dependencies Changes:
No dependencies changed

Build Definition:
POM filename: pom.xml
Goals: clean deploy   
Arguments: --batch-mode 
Build Fresh: false
Always Build: false
Default Build Definition: true
Profile Name: JDK 6

Test Summary:
Tests: 242
Failures: 0
Errors: 0
Success Rate: 100
Total time: 119.606

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