Hi Ziggi!

> +) using "http://example.invalid"; for a bad url

hmm, sorry if I missed the point, but what exactly is wrong with that very URI? 
The 'invalid' tld? What about 'local' URIs for e.g. company internal resources? 
Remember our maven.intern ...


--- Siegfried Goeschl <siegfried.goes...@it20one.at> schrieb am Mo, 22.6.2009:

> Von: Siegfried Goeschl <siegfried.goes...@it20one.at>
> Betreff: [VOTE] Release commons-email-1.2 based on RC2
> An: dev@commons.apache.org
> Datum: Montag, 22. Juni 2009, 0:23
> Hi folks,
> I would like to call a vote for releasing commons-email-1.2
> based on RC2.
> This release candidate has the following changes compared
> to RC1
> +) using "http://example.invalid"; for a bad url
> +) avoid using java.net.URL.equals(Object) which blocks to
> do domain name resolution
> +) removed all of the M1 left-overs and updated the
> assembly descriptors
> +) added the minimum JDK requirement to the index page
> +) the regression tests now work without internet
> connectivity
> Tag:
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/proper/email/tags/EMAIL_1_2
> Site:
> http://people.apache.org/builds/commons/email/1.2/RC2/site/index.html
> Binaries:
> http://people.apache.org/builds/commons/email/1.2/RC2/staged/commons-email/commons-email/1.2/
> [ ] +1 release it
> [ ] +0 go ahead I don't care
> [ ] -1 no, do not release it because
> Thanks in advance
> Siegfried Goeschl
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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