Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
Ralph Goers a écrit :
I disagree on both counts. Logging is critical to everything.
Debugging problems can be quite difficult if logging isn't done well.
Commons Logging isn't all that sophisticated IMO and using JUL as a
facade isn't all that practical and just because it can be done
doesn't mean it should be. The problem here is that JUL isn't really
meant to be a facade and users picking up Commons Configuration would
like Commons Configuration's logging to be integrated with their own.
So having a "real" facade is of great benefit as the user will just
configure their system for Commons Logging and be done with it. I do
this with my applications and haven't yet had to configure a facade
for Commons Logging as virtually nothing I am using in my environment
uses it. Virtually everything I am picking up uses Commons Logging or
SLF4J these days.
And everything ends in log4j, where redirecting JUL requires just one
line in your configuration.
How so?
Emmanuel Bourg
Ceki Gülcü
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