Jörg Schaible wrote:
Hi Ceki,

Ceki Gulcu wrote at Dienstag, 19. Mai 2009 22:00:

Dennis Lundberg wrote:
Yes I'm aware of that. My concern is for those people who don't know
about that. What will happen if they declare
commons-logging:commons-logging without a version in their POM? Or
declare the special token LATEST as a version for commons-logging? Will
they get 1.1.1 or 0.0 or what?
- LATEST only affects maven plug-ins, not regular artifacts.
- You can't declare a dependency without a specific version.
- Version ranges have no effect.

I am no Maven expert, so all three assertions above might be wrong.

No, AFAICS you're right on all three. However, as I pointed out in my other
mail, we're creating a hack for a problem that exists with a lot of other
artifacts also.

Do you think that the problem with the other artifacts very similar or
roughly similar? Dependency management and compatibility issues
account for a large portion of IT troubles. The 0.0-EMPTY solution is
bound to fall into the same space as any other dependency management
problem, because it addresses, well, the same problem.

The issue with commons-logging can be considered somewhat unique as
very few libraries have the same level of penetration as logging
libraries, be it commons-logging, log4j or SLF4J. If in any given
project, if each dependency is denoted as a node in a graph, roughly
80% of all nodes would depend on some logging library, whereas for
other libraries, e.g. cglib-*, asm-*, jsf* the percentage would
probably be significantly lower.

Also note that Erik van Oosten, a person unaffiliated with the SLF4J
project, actually came up and published a solution to the
commons-logging exclusion problem. I am not aware of other efforts
involving other libraries. Are you?

- Jörg

Ceki Gülcü
Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java.

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