
On May 18, 2009, at 10:00 AM, sebb wrote:

On 18/05/2009, Ceki Gulcu <c...@qos.ch> wrote:


Thank you for this suggestion. Unfortunately, adding references to parent
pom, <addDefaultImplementationEntries> and
<addDefaultSpecificationEntries> creates a
manifest file which includes OSGi directives, which is really not desirable.

These can be suppressed.

Just for my information, why is it not desirable to package this as an OSGi compliant jar?

Also, why is the maven group id commons-logging and not org.apache.commons? Is this just a historical curiosity or was there a purpose?



However, surely referencing the "apache" pom as a parent pom does not do this?

I just tried, and using the "default" tags works OK for me.

I changed the contents of the name element to "Commons Logging".

sebb wrote:

Thanks, although IMO it would have been better to use


<addDefaultImplementationEntries>true</ addDefaultImplementationEntries>


rather than hard-coding the values.

Also, the pom <name> is wrong, it should be

<name>Commons Logging</name>

as per the existing pom.xml in logging/trunk.

The pom.xml for empty_logging should also have as parent either the
commons parent, or at least the apache parent.

That would allow the use of the default manifest entries as above.

Ceki Gülcü
Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for

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