From: John Bollinger <>
> Which is exactly why Collections should not copy Functor.  Either Functor
> should be absorbed back into Collections, or Collections should have
> Functor as a dependency, for otherwise users must maintain separate
> functors for use with Collections and for other purposes. Users of both can
> rely on the Collections functors for everything, but that de facto rolls
> Functor into Collections for them.  It also obligates them to adhere to that
> approach, which has great potential for integration pain.
> A key issue here is that parts of the Collections public API reference
> classes / interfaces of Functor.  Collections therefore must either own 
> Functor
> or depend on it.  There is no reasonable way to split the two projects without
> making one depend on the other.  This is different from the case in some
> Commons projects where classes are copied from another Commons
> component for private, internal-only use.  Note also that the same argument
> applies to moving the functor-based collections to Functor: then Functor would
> need to have Collections as a dependency.

The 'functors' in [collections] and [functor] are very different:
There is no need to share these interfaces, add dependencies or anything 
similar. (Equally, were they the same John's argument would be sound.)

What [functor] needs is the confidence to stand up and say "hey, come and use 
me, here's what I offer". There is good stuff in [functor], but critically it 
is a semi-religious approach to coding.

By this, I mean that developers have to "buy-in" to the idea that writing and 
using lots of small inner classes in a compositional fashion is what they want. 
And exactly in the same way as many developers don't like functional 
programming, many won't like the [functor] approach.

That doesn't make it bad or wrong, it just means that it needs to stand up and 
own its own space. Users should want to use [functor] for what it offers. They 
need to make a positive choice.

Now look at the other angle - what do users of [collections] want? Its 
additional implementations of JCF collections, and new related collection 
interfaces. In many ways, its a historic oddity that [collections] has any 
functor-like stuff at all. Many (most) users of collections are not interested 
in the functor-type stuff I'd suggest.

My strong recommendation is to add key collection classes to [functor] 
(directly implementing the JDK List/Set/Map interfaces). They differ from those 
in [collections] because the API of Predicate/Function etc is so different. 
Then promote [functor] to commons-proper with no dependencies.

Then, [collections] can, over time, consider if it wishes to deprecate and 
remove its own functor based collections in favour of those in [functor], 
without ever needing a dependency beyond the JDK. This is exactly how the bean 
sytle collections were moved out to [bean-collections].

BTW, [collections] does publish a test-framework jar that [functor] could 
depend on as a test-only dependency.


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