>> jRPM has updated the license themself after i requested it.
>>  See: 
>> http://jrpm.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/jrpm/trunk/LICENSE.txt?revision=25&view=markup
> I see.
> That's actually the AL header, rather than the AL 2.0 License.
> The web-site still has:
> http://jrpm.sourceforge.net/maven-reports.html
> which has the license link:
> http://jrpm.sourceforge.net/license.html

Yes, the project is quite silent. I guess they didn't update the
website after they updated the license for us.

>>  "Original CPIO classes contributed by Markus Kuss and the jRPM project
>>  (jrpm.sourceforge.net)"
> Yes, that's good, except it should probably also include whatever
> copyright statement was in the original code, perhaps "Copyright 2003
> jRPM Team" which is what the AL header above has.

After that is done - are there more issues with the license or do you
think we can re-roll?

> I'll try and fix the test failure and manifest entries in case we need
> to re-roll the release.

That would be cool - I will help tomorrow morning either with
rerolling or with fixing the issues you brought up.

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