Mark Thomas wrote:

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I intended that the slf4j jars and the third
party jars were all in WEB-INF/lib

My concern in this scenario is more that this j.u.l, as part of the JRE,
will be loaded by the System class loader and hence loggers are
registered JVM wide rather than per webapp. Does slf4j provide a way
around this issue?

Thank you for your response. Actually, I am unable to understand what
the issue is. So I can't answer whether SLF4J would be helpful or
not. In principle, SLF4J does not provide any mechanism whatsoever to
get around class loading issues. It only follows a two step recipe: 1)
attempt to load a class named StaticLoggerBinder which ships within
each slf4j binding 2) Each binding in turn will try to bind with a
specific logging framework. It's a very dumb and rather inelegant
approach which I would not recommend except in the context of
logging. SLF4J does not use class loaders directly.

Anyway, while I understand that j.u.l. classes are part of the JRE, I
don't see what difference it makes in this scenario.

Ceki Gülcü
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