Hi all,
Thanks to Dennis for bringing this to my attention :)
Sorry for chiming in so late but I wasn't subscribed to the list and unaware of the discussion going on about our migration to slf4j at
Pluto, Jetspeed-2, and in time probably all our Apache Portals projects.
I just read through the whole of this thread and noticed a lot of speculation and misinterpretation of the real reason why we choose to
migrate away from CL.
Let me first try to describe in a nutshell what IMO is the core of our problem
with CL.
Consider class A and B, where A has a usage/reference to class B.
Class B has a statically defined CL Log, e.g. like: private static final Log
log = LogFactory.getLog(B.class);
Class A is being invoked, such that class B is pulled into usage for the first
The ClassLoader of class A will be used to load class B, and because of the static Log definition, the same ClassLoader will be used for
accessing and invoking LogFactory.getLog().
Then, LogFactory will determine the actual logger implementation using the current ContextClassLoader. If *within* that ContextClassLoader a
commons-logging.properties resource is defined, it will use it to lookup the implementation class and then load that class also using the
The common use-case here is that the ContextClassLoader and the Classloader of class A/B are actually the same, so everything goes as
expected and the loaded logging configuration will match the intended usage of the developer defining it.
However, if the ContextClassLoader is *not* the same as the ClassLoader of
class A/B, this all breaks down terribly.
To make this concrete, I'll describe the actually issue as I encountered it
with Pluto (albeit a little bit simplified/abbreviated).
The portletcontainer (jar), which resides within the WEB-INF/lib of the Pluto web application, contains the classes PortletRequest (A) and
PortletPreferences (B), with PortletPreferences defining a private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PortletPreferences.class).
A different web application, e.g. a portlet application "test" also uses CL,
and provides a class TestPortlet within its own WEB-INF/classes.
When Pluto needs to "aggregate" the content of this TestPortlet, it invokes it render(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) method using a
"cross-context" call from the Pluto web application to the "test" web application.
The TestPortlet.render method receives the PortletRequest object (as loaded from the Pluto WEB-INF/lib) and invokes its
PortletRequest.getPortletPreferences() method. If the PortletPreferences class hasn't been accessed yet before, this will cause the
ClassLoader of PortletRequest, being the Pluto webapp ClassLoader, to now load the PortletPreferences class.
But, because the current ContextClassLoader is the "test" webapp ClassLoader, LogFactory will lookup the logger implementation from the
"test" webapp...
With as result that logging output for the PortletPreferences class will end up in the target as specified by the "test" webapp, not in the
one (as expected) as configured for the Pluto webapp.
As should hopefully be clear from the above, this problem really has *nothing* to do with the Portlet spec in itself, or how Pluto is
implementing it.
IMO, the "natural" and expected result of a static initialization like a Log definition is that its configuration and behavior is tied to
the class defining it, for which it should (by default) use the same ClassLoader.
Any application using multiple ClassLoaders can be "hit" by this same issue, and although portals *by nature* rely heavily upon
"cross-context" web/portlet application interaction (which actually is described in the portlet spec), that is not limited to portals only.
Although not a formal servlet spec feature, all Java web servers support cross-context web application invocation nowadays and already long
before the portlet spec was defined. And it is used for far more purposes than portals only.
The only possible workaround I could come up with was extending LogFactory itself and temporarily switching/enforcing the current
ContextClassLoader to that of the class itself, but obviously we didn't even consider that as a real option.
I hope the above now better explains why we had to migrate away from CL.
If not, I'll be happy to further elaborate on this of course.
With kind regards,
Ralph Goers wrote:
FWIW - I subscribe to this list so I saw the message but have not
participated in the discussion.
This just adds to my concern with respect to what to do with commons
Begin forwarded message:
From: Eric Dalquist <eric.dalqu...@doit.wisc.edu>
Date: April 20, 2009 1:47:42 PM PDT
To: pluto-...@portals.apache.org
Subject: Re: commons-logging unsuited for cross-context webapplication
invocation usage - migrating to slf4j?
Reply-To: pluto-...@portals.apache.org
Reply-To: pluto-...@portals.apache.org
+1 to SLF4J several Jasig projects are also looking at it as an
alternative to JCL.
Ate Douma wrote:
Pluto community,
I'd like to ask your intention for issue PLUTO-553:
Detailed information about this blocking issue can be found at above
JIRA page.
As I have described there, if nobody objects I intend to commit the
migration to sfl4j soon.
Any comments/feedback of further discussion is of course welcome.
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