FWIW - I subscribe to this list so I saw the message but have not participated in the discussion.

This just adds to my concern with respect to what to do with commons logging.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Eric Dalquist <eric.dalqu...@doit.wisc.edu>
Date: April 20, 2009 1:47:42 PM PDT
To: pluto-...@portals.apache.org
Subject: Re: commons-logging unsuited for cross-context webapplication invocation usage - migrating to slf4j?
Reply-To: pluto-...@portals.apache.org
Reply-To: pluto-...@portals.apache.org

+1 to SLF4J several Jasig projects are also looking at it as an alternative to JCL.


Ate Douma wrote:
Pluto community,

I'd like to ask your intention for issue PLUTO-553:


Detailed information about this blocking issue can be found at above JIRA page. As I have described there, if nobody objects I intend to commit the migration to sfl4j soon.
Any comments/feedback of further discussion is of course welcome.



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