On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 9:04 PM, Min Cha <minslo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I wonder whether I am understanding a message from you.
> Do you think this project should or can be a component in Commons?

Could become...

> If so,  I would like to know how to be a component in Commons.

Well, it depends. The Commons community could either go for
Incubation, in which case it is about getting a community built up
with the codebase. I suspect that the codebase is too small for
Incubation, and Commons should do a "Software Grant" and import the
codebase into their existing community. Now, it is up to 'them' how
they want to proceed. I am skeptical to incubation to grow community,
but no problem to see a them take the library in via a Software Grant.

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