On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Stephen Colebourne
<scolebou...@btopenworld.com> wrote:
> sebb wrote:
>> On 19/03/2009, Stephen Colebourne <scolebou...@btopenworld.com> wrote:
>>>  So, overall, I'm dubious as to whether the value is sufficient to
>>> compilcate the compliation and to field the inevitable
>>> confusion/questions
>>> as to 'why we added a dependency' (when we didn't add one really...)
>> Again, I'm not sure I follow.
>> I don't see how the addition of a single new dependency complicates
>> the compilation.
> Because [lang] has no dependencies at present. That is a feature.
>> Nor do I see why users will be confused, so long as the site shows
>> that LANG depends on Java 1.5 only.  Many of them will just use Maven
>> to pick up the new version. If necessary one can always add some
>> information on the site as to how annotations behave.
> But due to the way maven generates documentation, and the data in the pom,
> it will /appear/ like [lang] does have a dependency.
> Since most users are unaware that annotation dependencies are not needed at
> runtime, they will take the belt and braces approach and include the
> 'dependency'. Or stop using [lang].
>> Indeed hopefully users will start adding annotations to their own code...
> This change doesn't actually help with that, other than providing
> advertising for JCIP.
> I'm basically -0 to this change, as I think the confusion outweighs the
> gains.

I agree with Stephen.

As well as the point he makes its also causing the
net.jcip.annotations package to be included in the OSGi Import-Package
statement in the manifest which I assume will make this a required
dependency when using lang in an OSGi environment. I guess that the
maven-bundle-plugin can probably be configured to stop that happening
but even if it can then I don't really see the point of using this
over just plain comments in the javadocs.


> Stephen

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