sebb wrote:
 Are you proposing including these pieces of annotation code in [lang], or
just referencing them? If its just referencing them, then it has no real
effect, and should be fine (aprt from making the compilation a little more

I'm not sure what you mean by "including" or "referencing".

I am proposing to add

import net.jcip.annotations.Immutable

to the source files of classes that deserve it. Similarly for the other cases.

Much like using @Override, except that the annotations are not part of the JDK.

Thats OK technically (as there is no runtime dependency on net.jcip.annotations). However, I suspect it will confuse users, as very few people realise that no dependency is created beyond compilation time.

So, overall, I'm dubious as to whether the value is sufficient to compilcate the compliation and to field the inevitable confusion/questions as to 'why we added a dependency' (when we didn't add one really...)


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